Up until about a week ago I had absolutely no idea what the Liebster Award was until a lovely girl by the name of Janani (http://www.therealjanani.com/) nominated me for it. It was such a surprise to actually realise someone read my blog so thank you, Janani. The point of the Liebster Award is to highlight new up-and-coming bloggers. It gives readers a chance to get to know us better and is a great way to discover new blogs!
So now onto the post:
11 Facts About Me
1. I live in the city of Melbourne with my amazing boyfriend and have done so for 2 years now.
2. I've been with my boyfriend for just under 3 years now.
3. I currently own 2 cats but grew up with dogs.
4. I manage a handbag and jewellery store and love my job.
5. I have an obsession with smelling things which is kind of weird considering I have a really bad sense of smell.
6. I've been dancing ever since I was 3 and currently take jazz, contemporary and pole dance classes.
7. I'm excited to be a bridesmaid in my life long best friends wedding in 2016.
8. I tend to eat too much chocolate and lollies but don't put on much weight which just fuels the addiction.
9. I have an obsession with Disney movies (about 90% of the movies I own are Disney) and in particular Tinkerbell.
10. I've been to many, many concerts but don't have much of an interest in them anymore for some reason.
11. I want to travel the world and the top of that list is Paris.
Now to answer the questions I've been asked!
1. Why did you start a blog?
I really only started this as I tend to have lots of spare time on the weekend and wanted something to do. I've been obsessed with watching YouTube beauty videos and reading many blogs so I figured, why not?
2. Dogs or cats?
Okay, if you'd have asked me this question about 2 years ago, I would have straight out said dogs. Now I've got 2 cats though as dogs wouldn't like living in a small apartment with no backyard and I have to say, I can't decide. They're both such cool animals and are good for their own reasons.
3. Coffee or tea?
I love a good coffee in the mornings and love a nice warm cup of tea at night so once again, I can't decide.
4. What's your favourite food?
You know, I used to love pasta so much and every time I was asked what I wanted for dinner, that was it. Since being with Eli though, we rarely eat pasta so it's not really my favourite anymore. From recently though, I have to say good old fish and chips from your classic fish and chip shop. Delicious!
5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I've never been one to actually want to change anything about myself. I've always been taught to love myself for who I am. Maybe just something like having stronger and healthier hair or teeth or something. I'm not really sure!
6. In your opinion, what's the best blog post you've written (include the link)?
As I'm only quite new to blogging, there's not many posts to choose from. I really liked the post about adopting my cats though as it's something I'm really passionate about and it was completely different to all my other posts.
7. Top three favourite bloggers?
8. Would you rather have your hair or makeup done?
That's quite a tough one. I think I'd prefer to have my hair done? I don't know! I mean, once my hair is done, I look a bit more put together and can definitely leave the house without worrying about makeup.
9. What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
Something along the lines of, don't let others get you down. Just because you other people want to say silly things and get everyone else with them, doesn't mean that it's true or that you have to hide away because of what they're saying.
10. Have you ever thought about making your blog a full time job?
Absolutely! Who hasn't thought about something like that? Being paid to write about thing your passionate about would not even be work to me. Just a whole lot of fun. I'm open to things like that but we'll see how we go.
11. What's one thing you'd like your readers to know about you?
If there is anyone there, I'm just a normal girl living a pretty normal life with a passion for beauty and life. I just want to write about it and it would be amazing to be able to share that with a whole lot of people.
Now I'm supposed to be nominating people with not much of a following but I can't really think of anyone so if you're new to the blogging world and want to have a bit of fun, I challenge you to this. 11 facts about yourself and then you can answer the same 11 questions as what I did.
The Rules:
1) Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2) Write 11 facts about yourself
3) Answer 11 questions that have been set for you
4) Nominate 5-11 blogs with less than 200 followers
5) List these rules in your post
6) Inform the people that they've been nominated!
Thanks so much for reading.
Until next time.. xx