Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Life Isn't Necessarily What We Imagined It As, Hey?

Today is a bit more of a personal post that I just felt writing after the last week or two. It's a bit out of the norm for me to write something like this but I figure life is about getting out of your comfort zone so why not?

Photo credit: Pop Sugar

Friday, November 20, 2015

Favourite Haircare Products

I've always had an ongoing battle with my hair whether it's split or dry ends or I'm simply just bored with it. Today I'd write up a little post to share with you all my favourite haircare products. Let's keep in mind that I'm a lot more into makeup than hair so it's only a little list but a list none the less.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Top Tips For Luscious Lips

If you're anything like me, you'll be in a constant battle with your lips to make them look nice whether you're wearing nothing on them, a little bit of lip balm or a bright, matte lipstick. Over the years I've figured out some easy ways to ensure you're lips are soft, supple and ready for anything.