Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Top Tips For Luscious Lips

If you're anything like me, you'll be in a constant battle with your lips to make them look nice whether you're wearing nothing on them, a little bit of lip balm or a bright, matte lipstick. Over the years I've figured out some easy ways to ensure you're lips are soft, supple and ready for anything.

My biggest tip would have to be hydration. The main time I end up with dry, cracked lips is when I haven't made drinking water a priority for myself. As well as a million other health benefits, staying hydrated means your skin and lips will also be hydrated. I always make sure I've got a bottle of water with me everywhere I go.

Lip tip number two would definitely have to be lip balm. I've gotten myself into a routine of applying a lip balm morning and night, while I'm doing my makeup in the morning and when I'm going through my skincare routine right before bed. I always notice such a big difference when I forgot to use a balm for a day or two and force myself to get straight back into the habit. My top picks for lip balms would be the Nivea Lip Butter in Vanilla & Macadamia as well as Carmex Lip Balm. I also don't mind the Nivea Repair & Protection Lip Balm and Blistex Lip Balm.

Lucky last trick of the trade would have to be a lip scrub. These things have been my saviour the past couple of years since discovering them. They remove all the dead skin off of your lips and help prepare them for the application of lipstick. My favourite is the Bubblegum Lip Scrub from Lush.

Do you get dry lips often? What are your top tips for keeping them smooth?


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Bubblegum Lip Scrub!! Mine has lasted forever! Its such a big help when it comes to keeping my lips nice and soft! <3

  2. I love the bubblegum scrub! At first the taste made me sick but now I can't help myself and constantly use it! I want to try their new Santa one!

