Monday, October 19, 2015

Beauty Things I Suck At

In the beauty world, there are some things I've found I'm quite good at and others which can be a complete disaster. We all can't be good at everything, right? So here's what I'm not so good at...

#1 Winged Eyeliner
Whether it's the shape of my eye or my unsteady hand, I'll never know. I envy anyone who can rock up with a completed winged eyeliner look. I feel like no matter how hard I try and practice, I can't get it right. They're never even. I just stick to amping up my lashes to make up for it!

#2 Getting a regular haircut
I know, this is bad but I just forget. I grew up always getting my hair cut by my aunty so we never went to a hair salon or anything. Booking an appointment and actually going into a salon on my own just isn't second nature to me. I'm trying to get better at this though.

#3 Looking after my nails
I'm still one to bite my nails which I'm horribly ashamed of. I've just given up hope. Nice nails will never be me. For now, I'll just go with stick ons if I feel like it.

#4 Not touching my face
I have a horrible habit of touching my face at all times of the day. Makeup can come off very easily because of this and at the end of the day I can look like a hot mess. This isn't something that's going to stop any time soon either..

What beauty things do you suck at? Leave a comment below and we can sympathise with each other.

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