Monday, April 20, 2015

Top Tips To Lift Your Mood

Sometimes things get you down and that's okay. It may be work, a particular person, something that happened or you may just find yourself wanting to curl up in bed and avoid the world. I thought I'd throw out my top tips to lift your mood and get you ready to take on the world again.

1. Make a playlist of your favourite songs. Whether they're a bunch of mellow, soothing songs or some real upbeat tunes, put it together, chuck it on and say hello to a better mood.

2. Write in a journal or diary. Just get it all out. You'll feel so much better after it.

3. Make yourself a cup of tea and get comfy on the couch with a good book or magazine. I find this really relaxing and a great way to escape the real world.

4. Put on a nice, warm bath and zone out for as long as you want (or until the water goes cold!).

5. Have a nap. Seriously, if something is getting me down, having a little nap and regenerating makes me look at things in a different perspective. 

6. Pamper yourself. Whip out the hair treatment, hair mask, manicure, pedicure, body scrub, etc.  Do as little or as much as you want. You'll feel like a Queen when you're done!

7. Watch a Disney movie. (Warning: there's always a tear jerker in Disney so be prepared. And hey, it might make you get it all out of your system!)

8. Clean out something. Your clothes, shoes, your whole closet, etc.

So if you're having bad day, I hope at least one of these things makes you feel better! 

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